Welcome to Made of Shakti

We are an embodiment coaching company that evokes your own ancient wisdom. Empowering you to create your dreams by feeling them in your body temple. Birthing the divine version of you using the principles of Tantra, Kundalini Yoga and Ayurveda. 


We must feel love. We cannot find it outside of ourself, or through reading. She's been inside of you all along. All of these practices are to help you on your self care journey.  Sometimes we must let go, other times celebrate how far we have come,  other times go to the darkest parts to heal. Throughout history and ancestral lines the divine feminine has held space through rituals and ceremonies. In the present moment we honor it all as sacred.

Goddess Embodiment Coaching

Our Transformational Coaching helps you overcome the ego to live a life that is in alignment with your higher self, leading with love.

  Tantra Goddess Training

Advanced training for those that are ready to share their innate gifts with the world. Remember your soul purpose,  activate the divine within.

Deep Forest Retreat

The antidote for the busy city life. Silence, Focus, Art, Yoga, Ayurvedic food and Self Care Rituals. Book your 2024 forest retreat today. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is embodiment coaching?

Embodiment coaching is a holistic approach that combines traditional coaching techniques with body-centered practices, helping individuals develop a deep connection with their body and emotions.

How long do coaching sessions typically last?

Coaching sessions usually last for approximately one hour, but the duration can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the client.

Is coaching suitable for everyone?

Coaching is suitable for individuals who are committed to personal growth and are open to exploring new perspectives and taking action towards positive change.

“Made of Shakti has been instrumental in helping me break through my self-imposed limitations. The embodiment coaching approach has allowed me to connect with my body, mind, and soul, leading to a profound transformation in my life. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking to unlock their true potential.”

— Sarah Johnson

Contact us

Get in touch with us today to start your journey of personal growth and empowerment.


Made of Shakti
Janesville, Wisconsin, United States

About us

At Root to Rise, we believe that true transformation starts from within. Our mission is to empower individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and resources, allowing them to create a life aligned with their true values and aspirations. Through our embodiment coaching approach, we help our clients develop a deep connection with their body, mind, and soul, enabling them to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience. Our team of experienced coaches are dedicated to supporting you on your journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and transformation.